Saturday, December 2, 2006


A recent religious lesson on official PA TV, under the office of Mahmoud Abbas, taught of the immediate rewards of heaven for the Shahid (Martyrs for Allah), including the promise of 72 Dark-Eyed Maidens (virgins) of Paradise.

The PA also continues to promote suicide bombings by granting Shahada (Death for Allah) status to suicide terrorists. Sheik Imad Hamato appearing on PA TV, compares suicide terror to a story (from the Hadith) of a friend of Muhammad who was killed accidentally with his own sword. Muhammad nonetheless granted him Shahid status.

"It’s like the conflict today! One who exploded with a bomb," says Hamato.

He is teaching that with proper intent, self-inflicted death is seen not as suicide but as Shahada. Hamato also points out that a Shahid is granted divine forgiveness “from the first gush of blood.” 

Hamato gives a graphic description of the corpse of a Shahid, with “no head, no legs, his body completely burned . . . intestines outside, fingers . . . gone” – very much like the body of a suicide bomber. He explains that while ordinary mortals fear such a death, this is “what the Shahids wish for most of all.”

Click here to see the video:

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