Saturday, December 9, 2006


Israel is a Liability for U.S. (WASH. POST)

Ramallah, Palestine - While the departure of Rumsfield and Bolton from the political scene, the bipartisan Baker and Hamilton report, and the frank talk of Jimmy Carter are all signs that Americans are finally beginning to realize that Israel is a liability and not an asset to their global interests, I think we are still a long ways away from the end of the U.S. hegemony in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel unfortunately is still a domestic issue in the U.S. and AIPAC's strength hasn't weakened despite attempts by U.S. academics to expose them.

The exaggerated and ridiculous blind support for Israel is being exposed. Hopefully, the way will open for a more sane U.S. foreign policy that takes into account what the rest of the world thinks. So far we are a far cry from what is needed to put a real end to the misery caused by the injustice of the nearly 40-year-old occupation of Palestine. What is needed is a more proactive U.S. role that can do what Bush senior and James Baker III tried to do with the Shamir government on the eve of the 10 billion loan guarantees and the Madrid Peace process.

The next year or so might provide a small window of opportunity if a Palestinian national unity government is formed, the moderate Arab countries get serious, and Britain makes a real push along with its European partners for Olmert to answer for his country's illegal occupation and obstruction of genuine negotiations.

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