Tuesday, January 23, 2007


On Nov. 27, 2006, Jimmy Carter appeared on Larry King Live to discuss his book, Palestine: Peace not Apartheid. During the interview, Carter repeated an assertion that he has made in various venues: "Everything in the book, I might say, is completely accurate."

In line with this defense, the former president repeatedly has argued that his critics, who supposedly have no grounds to criticize the factual accuracy of the book, have resorted to name-calling and ad hominem attacks.

He told Wolf Blitzer that "Most of the criticisms of the book have been the one word in the title, 'apartheid,' and the other one [sic] is personal attacks on me.

To an audience at a University of Georgia conference, he said:

I have been called a liar. I've been called an anti-Semite. I've been called a bigot. I've been called a plagiarist. I've been called a coward. Those accusations, they concern me, but they don't detract from the fact that the book is accurate, and that it's needed.

In the Boston Globe, he asserted:

Not surprisingly, an examination of the book reviews and published comments reveals that these points have rarely if ever been mentioned by detractors of the book, much less denied or refuted. Instead, there has been a pattern of ad hominem statements, alleging that I am a liar, plagiarist, anti-Semite, racist, bigot, ignorant, etc. There are frequent denunciations of fabricated "straw man" accusations: that I have claimed that apartheid exists within Israel; that the system of apartheid in Palestine is based on racism; and that Jews control and manipulate the news media of America.

In the Washington Post, he repeated that "most critics have not seriously disputed or even mentioned the facts ..."

The truth is, much of the criticism of the book has pointed to the misrepresentations of fact in the book, and a number of specific errors have been cited.

CAMERA ran full page ads in the New York Times and New York Sun specifically itemizing factual errors and refuting them (and calling on Carter's publisher, Simon and Schuster, to correct the false claims). But because of space limitations and the sheer number of errors in Carter's book, those ads could only highlight and correct a fraction of Carter's falsehoods.

Here, we have compiled a more detailed and inclusive list of list of factual errors from Carter's book (page numbers are in italics) and media appearances. The list is will be updated as we come across any further errors of fact made by the former president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the list, though it's not comprehensive yet, quite of few errors are not listed (such as Carter's saying Israel rejected a Hamas offer to trade children and women for Shalit, when they only offered to trade them for info about Shalit).-ER