Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ending Israeli-Palestinian Dispute Won't Resolve Other Mideast Problems - Youssef Ibrahim (New York Sun)

  • Some claim that settling the 100-year-old dispute between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs is a sine qua non to resolving other Middle East catastrophes, but the whole argument is a red herring from start to finish.
  • The catastrophes in the Middle East lie in five areas:
    • Internecine conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon, and among Palestinian Arabs;
    • Absence of representative governments for 350 million Arabs;
    • Uneven distribution of wealth and corruption;
    • Widespread illiteracy, poverty, and illness;
    • Disenfranchisement of women.
  • Why does resolving any of these depend on good will in the Palestinian Arab areas?
  • Another canard is that the Palestinian Arabs themselves are ready for anything in the way of peace. Yet Palestinian Arabs are gearing up for a civil war of their own. Should Israel unilaterally leave much of the West Bank, the follow-up will be a Palestinian Arab blood bath.
  • Gaza, evacuated by Israeli troops more than a year ago, stands as a vivid example - a mess of armed factions, extortion, corruption, and Islamic fundamentalism. Palestinian Arabs need rule of law before a settlement with Israel.
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