Thursday, January 18, 2007


Google Earth reveals anti-Israel sentiments, labels Temple Mount Palestinian. (IsraelInsider)
While Jerusalem serves as Israel's capital, and the Temple Mount is located within Israeli sovereignty, the popular satellite map program Google Earth divides the city and places the Temple Mount -- Judaism's holiest site -- within Palestinian territory. Interactive Google Earth maps mark eastern sections of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as "occupied territory," set to become part of a future Palestinian state.

Google Earth states it demarcates its maps according to international standards, but no Israeli-Palestinian negotiations -- even the failed Camp David final-status negotiations in 2000 -- ever placed the Temple Mount within Palestinian territory.

The United Nations considers eastern sections of Jerusalem, recaptured by Israel during the 1967 Six Day War, to be "disputed." The Israeli Knesset officially annexed the entire city of Jerusalem as its capital in 1980. ....

Jerusalem first was divided into eastern and western sections when Jordan invaded and occupied the city and the Temple Mount area in 1947, expelling all Jewish inhabitants. Israel originally built its capital in the western part of the city, while the eastern quarters remained under Jordanian control until Israel regained them in 1967.

Google Earth does not limit its input in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to Jerusalem alone. The Gaza Strip is labeled by Google Earth as "Israeli occupied," even though the Jewish state withdrew from Gaza in August 2005. ....

Google Earth is also accused of showing falsified images. Visitors to Google Earth who click on an area just outside Jerusalem can view a computer-generated image claiming to depict an Israeli missile factory. Israeli defense officials told WND the "missile factory" is a fabrication.

SEE ALSO: Google Earth Jerusalem (ZombieTime)

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