Wednesday, January 17, 2007


'Buying a Hitler Doll is as Easy as Buying a Pizza' (NYSun)
"In the center of Buenos Aires buying a Hitler doll is as easy as buying a pizza," Argentina's Clarin reports.

The paper reports that Hitler puppets along with Nazi symbols are on sale right in the center of the city. There are "at least in six versions" of Hitler on sale, and they come in statues and lead models. You can buy Hitler in a brown uniform, in black with a red armband, with his hands crossed behind his back, and even watching his troops. The paper notes that Argentinian law forbids conduct that promotes racial hatred, but not the sale of these items.

With the all the ex-Nazis Argentina welcomed after the Second World War, it's not so surprising that Hitler and Nazi memorabilia are so popular. But to its credit, Argentina is going after the modern day Hitlers.

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