Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Two Palestinians Approaching Gaza Fence with Bomb Killed; Palestinian Bombs Getting Larger - Amos Harel
Israel Defense Forces troops on Sunday killed two Palestinians approaching the Gaza Strip security fence carrying explosives. The two were crawling toward the fence south of Moshav Nativ Ha'asarah. There was a large explosion, apparently from the explosives the Palestinians were wielding, and they were killed. It is not clear if they had planned to cross the fence into Israeli territory or place the explosives next to the fence in order to target an IDF patrol.

IDF forces on Friday discovered a bomb weighing 23 kg. in the West Bank town of Hirbat al-Najr, south of Jenin. An even larger bomb weighing 60 kg. was found in a town west of the city last week. The IDF Central Command said there has been an increase in weight and quality of explosives being made by Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ha'aretz)

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