Thursday, January 25, 2007


Shias Order Palestinians to Leave Iraq or "Prepare to Die" - Aqeel Hussein and Gethin Chamberlain (Sunday Telegraph-UK)
Iraq's 20,000 Palestinians, who are mostly Sunni Muslims, have been warned that they will be killed by Shia militias unless they leave the country immediately. More than 600 Palestinians are believed to have died at the hands of Shia militias since the war began in 2003. The Palestinians had been welcomed by Saddam Hussein and provided with housing, money and free education. Sheik Mahmoud El Hassani, a spokesman for the Mehdi Army, said the Palestinians "lived off our blood under Saddam. We were hungry with no food and they were comfortable with full bellies. They should leave now, or they will have to pay."

SEE: Abbas Condemns Iraqi Militias' Killing of 500 Palestinians (MEMRI)
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has condemned the Iraqi militias, which are part of the political parties participating in the government of Iraq, for killing 500 Palestinians, including women and children. He called on the Iraqi government to stop these vicious attacks against the Palestinian refugees.

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