Thursday, January 11, 2007


'Moderate' Abbas: Killing Israelis is Legitimate (NYSun)
"PA Chairman Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) said that it is legitimate to turn rifles against the occupation, but Palestinian blood must not be spilled," Israel Radio reports (translated by IMRA).

At the annual rally of Fatah in Ramallah Abu Mazen said that if there won't be one authority and one weapon -- there will be no Palestinian existence.

As we've written in response to claims of Abbas's moderation:
What about the 'Virgins of Paradise' video?
What about the commander of Abbas's presidential guard?
What about the terrorist groups that are linked to Abbas's Fatah party?
What about his funding Hamas terrorists?
What about his female suicide bomber unit?
What about the attack by his gunmen on the Palestinian parliament?
Or what about Abbas's PLO taking pride that it is a source of world terrorism?
Or what about the terrorist group that is part of his Fatah party saying it will break a truce with Israel?
Or how about the role of his security forces in the kidnappings of westerners?
Or what about his praise for our enemy Saddam?
Israel's defense minister, the leader of the Labor Party, meantime, wants to reward terrorism anyway by jumping to final status talks.

Now will America and Israel stop helping to fund and arm him?

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