Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Abe Foxman or Tony Judt? (NYSun)
Soccer Dad takes on James Traub's New York Times profile of Abe Foxman.

Assuming a mocking and dismmissive tone toward his subject, Traub paints Foxman as a petty autocrat who's looking for antisemites under every bed. If one sentence sums up Traub's opinion of Foxman it's:

The A.D.L., for all its myriad activities, is a one-man Sanhedrin doling out opprobrium or absolution for those who speak ill of Israel or the Jews.

In contrast, Foxman's critics and opponents are described in complimentary terms. Tony Judt is "highly regarded"; J. J. Goldberg, is the editor of a "leading" American Jewish weekly; Mearsheimer and Walt are "distinguished figures."

Aside from the snide tone pervading the article, it's filled with mistakes and omissions.

Mr. Traub is also the author, as Claudia Rosett wrote in the New York Sun, of a "paean to Mr. Annan, packed with scenes that mingle hagiography with the lingo of an infatuated schoolgirl." Attacks coming from a man who thinks highly of the likes of Annan, Mearsheimer, and Judt -- Foxman should take it as a compliment.

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