Friday, January 5, 2007


Civil War in Gaza - Avi Issacharoff
"Civil war" is an apt description for what is now taking place between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza. On Thursday Hamas gunmen assaulted the home of Col. Mohammed Gharib, leader of the Preventive Security force in northern Gaza. Using automatic weapons, missiles, and grenade launchers, the Hamas attackers killed everyone in the house. Hamas gunmen also raided the home of Sufian Abu Zeida, a senior Fatah official and former minister, but he and his family were not home. The attackers were members of Hamas' Executive Force, which answers to Hamas Interior Minister Saeed Sayam. The head of the Executive Force, Yusef al-Zahar, is the brother of Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar. (Ha'aretz)

See also Hamas Attacks Fatah - Live on PA TV - Ali Waked
Gharib was on the phone to Palestine TV just moments before his death and appealed for help as his house came under attack. "They are killers," he said of the Hamas gunmen. "They are targeting the house, children are dying, they are bleeding. For God's sake, send an ambulance." The battle outside the house raged for much of the day and killed four of Gharib's guards and a Hamas gunman. About three dozen people, including eight children, were wounded. (Ynet News)

Gharib's body was found riddled with bullets and mutilated by stab wounds. His two daughters were also killed during the fighting. (Jerusalem Post)

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