Friday, January 5, 2007


Judge orders SS deportation (JTA)
A U.S. judge ordered the deportation of a Wisconsin man who acknowledged his past as an SS death camp guard. Josias Kumpf was stripped of his citizenship in 2005 after it was established that he concealed his SS past when emigrating from Austria to the United States in 1956. Last year, U.S. authorities launched deportation proceedings against him, and immigration judge Jennie Giambastiani issued the order Wednesday. According to a Justice Department release, Kumpf acknowledged his role as a guard at “Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp in Germany; at an SS labor camp in Trawniki, Poland, where 8,000 Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in a single day as part of a two-day mass-murder operation involving 42,000 victims at three camps.” Kumpf, who says he never participated in the killings, plans to appeal. If deported, he has chosen to go to Germany.

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