Thursday, February 8, 2007


A 9/11 Conspiracy? ‘I Would Not Be Surprised,’ Says Tikkun Editor (Forward)
Rabbi Michael Lerner, the longtime activist and editor of Tikkun magazine, has published an essay saying he is open to the possibility that the American government may have been behind the September 11 terrorist attacks.

“I would not be surprised to learn that some branch of our government conspired either actively to promote or passively to allow the attack on 9/11,” Lerner wrote in an essay published in the new book, “9/11 and American Empire: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out.” Lerner added that he would also not be surprised if it turned out that the attacks were not the result of a government conspiracy.

“I am agnostic on the question of what happened on 9/11,” he wrote in his essay for the book, which includes articles by other contributors arguing that a government conspiracy was behind the September 11 attacks. “As other authors in this collection have shown, there are huge holes in the official story and contradictions that suggest that we do not know the whole story.”


Lerner's anti-Israel diatribes are well documented. Recently, he circulated an article calling for the assassination of Alan Dershowitz.

Sometimes, Lerner bumps up against the anti-Semitism of his friends on the far left. A few years ago, the anti-war (and anti-American and anti-Israel) group International ANSWER barred Lerner from speaking at their rallies against the Iraq War, not because he supported the war (he didn't) but because he is a JEW.

According to Wikipedia, Lerner published an article entitled "There Is No New Anti-Semitism" in February 2007, criticizing much of the American Jewish establishment for labeling critics of Israel as antisemites. He is especially critical of groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which he blames for promoting an "Israel-can-do-no-wrong" mentality in American political life. Lerner argues that organizations such as AIPAC and the ADL have had a detrimental effect on American Jewish culture, and have alienated many young Jewish Americans who oppose Israel's policies toward the Palestinian people.

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