Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Palestinians Fire Four Rockets at Israel - Mijal Grinberg
Palestinians in Gaza on Tuesday fired four Kassam rockets at Israel. One rocket caused damage to a health clinic and adjoining houses at a western Negev kibbutz. Two other rockets landed near the city of Ashkelon. (Ha'aretz)

See also New York City Council Members Duck Rocket Fire in Israel - Matthew Chayes
A delegation of New York City Council members experienced a rocket attack Tuesday on a trip to an Israeli town near Gaza. As local officials were explaining how often Sderot comes under Palestinian Arab fire, an alarm went off, warning of an imminent rocket attack. The 11-member City Council delegation, led by Speaker Christine Quinn, hurried to an underground room from the office of Mayor Eli Moyal. Quinn said the experience has renewed her support for Israel. "Israel is under attack, and they have every right, in my opinion, to protect themselves, just as we would if our neighbors on any of our borders were attacking us," she said. (New York Sun)

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