Monday, February 5, 2007


UC Irvine: MSU Calls for Israel to Be Wiped Out (LGF)

On Thursday [LGF] featured a video recording from Daniel Pipes' talk at the University of California Irvine, showing the Muslim Students Union staging a coordinated disruption, walking out and loudly chanting "Anti-Israel!": Video: Muslim Students Disrupt Daniel Pipes Speech at UC Irvine .

But the worst, most disturbing part of this event was buried later in the video, as the camera followed the Muslim students outside to hear a speech from an organizer. I've isolated this section in the video below, and transcribed the genocidal MSU speech. This is really bad stuff.

I just want to say a few words, because I know a lot of people, before this program today, we had many ideas on how things should be done. And there was a lot of chatter going back and forth, and some people wanted to make bold statements, some people wanted to have a silent protest, [inaudible].

But at the end I just want to make one comment, that what we did by walking out of there, it really helps us be very very very powerful, and I want you guys all to go home and just realize, and that is everything, like Daniel Pipes is saying, everything for them is to boost their morale. This whole program was to boost their morale, make them feel as if Israel is there to stay. And that they're gonna ... he's trying to garner support for the state of Israel.

And by having a university campus, a bunch of students all walk out, this is trash, this is garbage ... it really defeats ... it deflates the morale of everyone in that room. So right now they're all pretty depressed in there. [Laughter.]

And they're gonna go out there and they're gonna think, they're gonna try to make people think they're powerful for a minute. But when they go home, they're gonna be like, crap. We're in the middle of America, we're in Irvine, a public [inaudible] ... and this whole campus hates our guts. [Laughter.]

They have no future. And it's just a matter of time before the state of Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth.

[Crowd: Takbir! Allahu akbar!]

Justice will be restored then. Those people who are there legitimately ... the people there will, will rule. There will be no injustice any more there.

So just keep on doing what we're doing. Our weapon, our jihad, our way of struggling in this country is with our tongues. We speak out, and we deflate their morale, and this is the best we can do right now . And our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world, they're handling business in their own way. May Allah give them strength ... [inaudible]

[Crowd: Takbir! Allahu akbar!]

UPDATE at 2/4/07 5:16:33 pm:

If you're as appalled by what you see and hear in this video as I am, here's a page where you can contact the president of the University of California system, Robert C. Dynes. Please be polite and respectful, to make your points heard: University of California - About UC.

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