Friday, February 2, 2007


U.S. court rules against Palestinian terror (JTA)
A U.S. district judge ruled that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in Israel violate international law. The “plaintiffs have successfully stated claims for genocide and crimes against humanity,” Nina Gershon said Tuesday of 1,600 survivors of those killed by terrorism aided by the Arab Bank.

The civil action was brought in U.S. Court for the Eastern District of New York under two civil laws. The Arab Bank, headquartered in Jordan, was found to have assisted organizations that sponsored suicide bombers. It has offices in 25 countries, including the United States, as well as 22 local branches in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Another case was brought against the organization in America.

“I am deeply grateful,” said Iris Almog Schwartz, an Israeli plaintiff who lost much of her family to a suicide bombing in Haifa, “that the United States courts remain a beacon to people of all nations who yearn for a world free from terror where justice prevails.”

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