Monday, February 5, 2007


What's the blessing for seeing an elephant in a dream? (Haaretz)
Did Noah's Ark travel on Shabbat? Is wheat still kosher if rat droppings are found in it? An earthquake destroyed a village synagogue - what should the congregants do? What blessing does one make upon seeing an elephant in a dream? Is a man whose wife died in a bus fire allowed to marry her sister? And is a female hospital patient allowed to hear the havdala service, concluding Shabbat, over the telephone?

These are just a few of the 80,000 questions in Bar-Ilan University's Responsa Project (Global Jewish Database), one of the largest computerized databases of Judaic literature. After about 15 years, during which the database was available on CD alone, it has now been launched as a paid subscriber Internet Web site, at

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