Monday, March 5, 2007


Six million Christian children to pray for Israel on Purim (JPost)
Inspired by a kabbalist rabbi, an Evangelical leader from Ft. Worth, Texas, plans to enlist the "pure hearted prayers" of six million Christian children worldwide to protect the Jewish people from the Iranian nuclear threat.

The prayer rally will take place before Purim, a holiday that commemorates the redemption through divine intervention of the Jewish people from an evil Persian ruler about 2,500 years ago. Purim starts on Saturday evening.

Michael D. Evans, best-selling author of The American Prophecies: Ancient Scriptures Reveal Our Nation's Future, said on Monday evening that the inspiration for his idea from a report in The Jerusalem Post.

"After reading about Rabbi [David Batzri's] campaign to enlist 10,000 children to pray that God annul [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad's plans for the destruction of the Jewish people, I said to myself, 'Why stop at 10,000?'" Evans said in a telephone interview from his Jerusalem hotel room.

"The number six million is a reminder to Christians that never again must we allow a Holocaust," he said. "And since the young suffer most in times of catastrophe, it is fitting that children should be the ones praying."

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