Monday, March 19, 2007


Merde! The French double Triple Cross (Atlas Shrugs)

France urged Israel to hit Syria - No Pasaran

The French give new meaning to the word duplicity. They are such are so two faced perhaps that's inaccurate - four faced or five faced is more like it.This is not the ally you want in the foxhole with you during wartime (or peacetime for that matter.)

It is commonly known in the world diplomatic circles that France was always seeking to balance American dominance in the world and to secure a more prominent role for itself in international affairs. Which is why Paris always insists on involving the Security Council, where it has a veto-holding seat.

"The United Nations is back," DeVillipen one told French radio last sumnmer. "After all, what is really at stake here is ensuring that the role of the United Nations is restored."

Yeah right.

Nidra Poller wrote of their "duplomacy" here last summer Nidra Poller on UN DUPLOMACY.

By stepping into the co-pilot's seat, France lent its UN Security Council veto to Lebanon and, consequently, to Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. But this is not the spring of 2003, France is not trying to block a US military intervention in Iraq or at least brand it as an illegal war. The issue is a ceasefire, and even if Israel and the United States could be convinced all down the line there is no guarantee that Hezbollah and its Iranian masters would accept anything short of total surrender to dhimmitude. The failure to draft and pass a UN cease-fire resolution will not be a victory for French diplomacy; it will mark the failure of midpoint morality. The war will go on to its logical military conclusion. Sooner or later everyone will have to take sides.

Architiect of the Euro-Arab axis, it seems tres amusing that this latest dirty deal of France should be revealed. No Pasaran has it here;

Alert the Külbel!

Israel's refusal to enter into a deal with Monsieur Chiraq was probably the best Israeli decision of the whole war.

I'm sure you're shocked, but not in the way the French leftists' image of themselves will: France urged Israel to hit Syria. Doublegame, against their own bitch no less.

French President Jacques Chirac told Israel at the start of the war in Lebanon that France would support an Israeli assault on Syria, it was reported on Sunday.

Army Radio reported that in the message, which was delivered by Chirac to Israel via a secret channel, the French president suggested that Israel invade Damascus and topple the regime of Bashar Assad. In exchange, Chirac assured Israel full French support for the war.

According to the message delivered from Paris, Syria was responsible for the flare up in the North and encouraged Hizbullah to attack.

While they were telling the thin-skinned, yet terror-symp French public that religiously driven murderers were O-tay! with them.

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