Thursday, March 22, 2007


"Talks" with PA Ready to Disappoint - Editorial
Those who want to reopen the aid spigot should remember that giving money directly to the terrorists running the PA has never made the suffering people on the West Bank any less miserable. But it will enable terrorists to launch more attacks against Israel, a democratic ally, and the West. The West Bank regime is in fact a zombie state, kept alive by Western aid and without any real way to sustain itself. It's the UN's own fault. It has kept Palestinians in "camps" for more than 50 years, turning them into long-term welfare cases and keeping alive through countless anti-Israel UN resolutions the hope that, someday, they'll be able to drive Israel into the sea.

We're perplexed by the Western powers' need to engage in endless rounds of pointless "talks" when those talks inevitably lead to disappointment and violence, not peace. There's one, and only one, path to peace. The PA must recognize Israel's right to exist and renounce the use of terrorism. (Investor's Business Daily)

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