Monday, March 26, 2007


Olmert: "Abbas Has Grossly Violated a Series of Commitments He Has Given to Israel"
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Israeli cabinet Sunday: "It is impossible to ignore the fact that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has grossly violated a series of commitments that he has given to Israel, especially the commitment that a Palestinian unity government would not be established before Gilad Shalit was released. This commitment was given to me more than once, including in the 19 February 2007 trilateral meeting, and was given to world leaders, who will also wonder how it is possible to violate a commitment so grossly."

"The platform of the Palestinian unity government legitimizes the continuation of violent opposition, which is also a violation of the Chairman's commitments. This will not facilitate - in the near future - contacts between us and the PA. There is no doubt that completely different conduct by the PA is required in order to create the correct equation for encouraging a fruitful negotiating process." (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

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