Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Olmert Open to Regional Peace Summit with Arabs - Ron Bousso
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Monday he "would not hesitate" to take part in a regional Arab peace summit amid U.S. efforts to revive the stalled Middle East peace process. "If such an invitation would come my way, I would look at it in a very positive way," Olmert told a joint press conference with UN chief Ban Ki-moon in Jerusalem. A senior U.S. official traveling with Secretary of State Rice said it remained uncertain whether countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which have no formal ties with Israel, would agree to attend a summit with Israeli leaders. (AFP/Yahoo)

Israel, U.S. Disagree on New Middle East Approach - Herb Keinon
Jerusalem's objections to U.S. shuttle diplomacy between Israel and the Palestinians over final-status issues led to the postponement Monday night of a press conference at which U.S. Secretary of State Rice was expected to outline this new initiative, senior diplomatic officials said Monday. Rice was expected to announce that direct talks between Israel and the PA would be replaced by parallel discussions she would hold with both sides over "political horizon" issues dealing with the contours of a future Palestinian state.

Israel has stated that as a result of the formation of the new PA unity government, it would no longer hold "substantive" talks with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas - only talks dealing with humanitarian and security issues. "Israel's position is not in favor of talking about these [final status] issues at this point," an official said. Moreover, "engaging in final-status discussions now - when the time is not right and neither side is prepared - could lead, if the talks falter, to another round of violence," the official said. (Jerusalem Post)

See also Rice: Olmert, Abbas Agree to Meet Biweekly
Secretary of State Rice said on Tuesday that Prime Minister Olmert and PA Chairman Abbas had agreed to meet face-to-face on a biweekly basis, and that the U.S. would continue to mediate between the two sides in discussions on a political horizon. (Jerusalem Post)

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