Friday, March 23, 2007


Mr. Sensitivity (BackSpin)
UN human rights expert John Dugard told the UN Human Rights Council that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is comparable to apartheid. AP writes:

Dugard said that he had previously refrained from using the term apartheid "on account of the sensitivity of the issue."

But the uproar over Carter's book "and the serious attempts to impugn his integrity, particularly in the United States, has led me to reconsider this decision," Dugard said.

Dugard used the apartheid word repeatedly in an op-ed published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last year. Here's just one snippet:

Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories has many features of colonization. At the same time it has many of the worst characteristics of apartheid.
(The AJC link expired so click here to read the full piece. See also HonestReporting’s response.)

Dugard also authored a report accusing Israel of seeking "racial domination." Could Dugard possibly be more sensitive?

As for the Human Rights Council, yesterday's Chicago Sun-Times editorial heaps plenty of scorn. Enough said.

SEE: New UN Rights Panel Still a Disgrace - Editorial (Chicago Sun-Times)
The UN Human Rights Council, in its previous incarnation as the Human Rights Commission, failed miserably in addressing human rights violations. The supposedly reformed Council has continued issuing resolution after trumped-up resolution against Israel - eight in all, all of them unanimous, with another four planned. The Council plans to place Israel under permanent investigation for alleged violations of international law in Palestinian areas and to hear a report compiled by a UN special reporter that compares Israeli actions to South African apartheid. But what of the tactics of Hizbullah, to name just one bastion of terrorism? The Human Rights Council rejected a report on last year's fighting between Israel and Hizbullah in Lebanon because it listed violations by the latter as well as the former. Never mind that Hizbullah triggered the conflict by abducting Israel soldiers or that Israel has a right to defend itself from terrorists. This Council is a disgrace.

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