Thursday, March 22, 2007


Wary of Hamas, U.S. Is to Trim Aid to Palestinian Forces - Helene Cooper
The Bush administration will reduce by about 40% the aid it is seeking from Congress for the security forces of Mahmoud Abbas, and set new conditions for monitoring the money because of concerns that some of it could end up with Hamas, administration officials said Wednesday. Secretary of State Rice told a House panel on Wednesday that she would soon send Congress a revised package that would try to restrict the use of the money to security forces loyal to Abbas. (New York Times)

Rice: PA Must Recognize the "Foundational Principles for Peace"
Secretary of State Rice told a Congressional committee Wednesday: "It is extremely important to continue to show American commitment to the development of a political horizon so that the Palestinian people can see that their future rests with moderate forces like Abu Mazen [Abbas], not with those forces that are extreme. In that regard, frankly, the formation of the Palestinian unity government has provided something of a challenge because the Palestinian unity government as formed does not meet the Quartet principles. I have stopped calling them the Quartet principles; I now call them the 'foundational principles for peace,' because quite clearly you cannot have peace unless you recognize the right of the other party to exist, unless you're prepared to renounce violence, and unless you're prepared to live up to past agreements."

"The U.S. is not prepared to change its assistance policies toward this government because it does not recognize those foundational principles for peace. We will nonetheless not suspend our contacts with those in the Palestinian government who have a record of fighting for peace." (State Department)

Quartet: PA Government Must Demonstrate "Credible Commitment to Quartet Principles"
Representatives of the Quartet discussed by telephone on Wednesday the establishment of a Palestinian national unity government. The Quartet reaffirmed its previous statements with regard to the need for a Palestinian government committed to nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the Roadmap. The Quartet expressed its expectation that the unity government will act responsibly and demonstrate clear and credible commitment to the Quartet principles. (State Department)

See also Israel Welcomes, Palestinians Slam Quartet Boycott Extension (AFP/Yahoo)

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