Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Headline Clash (BackSpin)
How does the same incident generate such radically different headlines?

NY Times:
Israel Fires on Militants Planting Bomb, Killing One
Israel fires missiles into Gaza


Anonymous said...

To answer your question.
One headline is taken from Israili sources trying to support their actions (NY Times; and the other is a very simple statement of fact (BBC) without explanation and avoiding controversy which attracts people to discover more.

motnews said...

Cassandra wins the award for being the first to allege that the NYT is biased in FAVOR of Israel.

The BBC headline is NOT a just a simple statement of fact. It is an incomplete, out of context statement of fact. That's like a headline stating that the US attacked Japan on December 8, 1941 without mentioning Japan's December 7, 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Anonymous said...

Cassandrina probably believes there was no Holocaust.