Thursday, April 26, 2007


Watchdog: Probe anti-Semitic prof (JTA)
A watchdog group called for a probe of a California professor whose anti-Semitic writings have long provided fodder for white supremacists. The Los Angeles Times reported that the Southern Poverty Law Center on Tuesday released its report on Kevin MacDonald, a tenured psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach, who testified on Holocaust denier David Irving's behalf in his failed 2000 defamation lawsuit against historian Deborah Lipstadt.

The center said MacDonald's trilogy of books on the Jewish people argues that although they are "normally a tiny minority in their host countries, Jews, like viruses, destabilize their host societies to their benefit" by pushing "for liberal policies, like immigration and diversity, with the intent of weakening the power of the majority that rules them."

The center called for the university to check what MacDonald is teaching in the classroom.

"What we would like to know is why the university seems intent on protecting Kevin MacDonald rather than looking at his possible violations of policy in the classroom," center deputy director Heidi Beirich, who wrote the report, told the newspaper. "Our primary intent is not to get rid of Kevin MacDonald but to show the world who he is, what he is doing."

MacDonald told the Times that not all instances of anti-Semitism are "irrational," but added, "I have never talked about Jews in my courses."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone should inform Mr. MacDonald that Hitler blamed the Jews for the Nazi genocide. He sounds like he is paying homage to his idol.

Professors are now one step below that of used-car salesmen on the ladder of trust and respect.

Keep up the "Good Works!"