Friday, April 20, 2007


Democrats v Israel by Jeff Ballabon (Political Mavens)

There is no pleasure in being right about the imminent catastrophe awaiting people you love.

Shortly before the '06 election, I pointed out the danger to Israel if Democrats rise to power and lamented the tragedy of Jewish money - particularly AIPAC - supporting Democrats whose policies, regardless of motive, inflict death and destruction on the people of Israel.

It didn't take long.

It is almost too painful to go through this article in the Forward about the Democrats trashing Israel's PM for speaking out in defense of his embattled citizens while "Pro-Israel" Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to endanger Jewish lives.

"It's all politics," said Rep. Gary Ackerman, a New York Democrat who chairs the House Subcommittee on the Middle East. When asked what led Olmert to criticize Pelosi's trip to Damascus, Ackerman said that the Israeli premier had "kissed President Bush's ass."

Imagine if a Republican congressman had said something that crass and disgusting about Olmert.

But, far more importantly, why doesn't Olmert's concern (and he's certainly no right-winger) make the Democrats stop for a moment to consider that their "oppose Bush at all costs" approach to the Middle East might be endangering millions of Israelis?

Not only won't they listen, they actually smear Israel:

A Democratic staffer speculated that Olmert's criticism of Pelosi came after "he got a call from the White House." [Democrat Congressman Tom] Lantos, in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, also suggested that the White House was behind drawing Olmert's attention to the activities of Pelosi's delegation in Damascus.

Israeli sources, however, told the Forward that while Israel does not wish to enter the American political fray, it has genuine strategic concerns relating to a possible rushed withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and sees a need to express these concerns in a variety of forums.

No kidding. Israel is scared by the foolhardiness of Democrat politics-playing in the region. It's real.

AIPAC claims that Pelosi and Ackerman and Lantos and their cronies are "Pro-Israel." If they are, then they are pro-Israel in the same ignorant, dangerous way Bill Clinton was - pressuring Israel to give up resistance, give up territory, give up rights.

Then there is this nugget from House Democrat - and Muslim - Keith Ellison:

"There are," Ellison said, "more people who believe that Elvis is alive than those who support Olmert."

Just imagine AIPAC's reaction - not to mention the ADL's - if an Evangelical Christian member of the House had said something like that about a sitting Israeli prime minister.

Wow - good thing AIPAC says there's no difference to Israel's interests between the Republicans and the Democrats, otherwise I'd be terrified.

Wake up.

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