Friday, April 20, 2007


A Fallen American-Israeli Hero - Daphna Berman (Ha'aretz)
"It's a dream come true," a smiling Michael Levin tells the camera at his induction ceremony into the IDF more than two years ago. The scene is part of the newly released documentary "A Hero in Heaven," a poignant tribute to Levin, 22, an American-Israeli who was killed on August 1, 2006, by Hizbullah fire in the Lebanese village of Aita al-Shaab in the Second Lebanon War. He had been on a short furlough to visit his family in the U.S. when news of war broke, and he boarded a plane and returned to Israel.

To obtain a copy of "A Hero in Heaven" or to contribute to the Michael Levin Memorial Fund to benefit soldiers without family in Israel, contact Harriet Levin at

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