Monday, April 23, 2007


Leading Palestinian Bombmaker Killed in Nablus
During an IDF arrest operation Saturday night in Nablus, Tanzim terrorist Amin Mahmoud Amin Lubadeh and Islamic Jihad terrorist Fahdel Muhammad Mahmoud Nur were killed in exchanges of fire with IDF forces during an attempt to arrest them. Lubadeh was the leading manufacturer of bombs and explosive belts in the Samaria region and was involved in numerous attacks. His activity was funded by Iran through Hizbullah and by terror operatives in Gaza. Fahdel Nur was involved in planning suicide bombings and recruiting bombers for attacks inside Israel. (Israel Defense Forces)

See also Three Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed in West Bank - Ali Waked
On Saturday evening, Border Police operating in Jenin killed three Palestinian gunmen after the gunmen opened fire at police forces. Palestinian sources said two of the gunmen, Abbas Damaj and Muhammad al-Aishi, were operatives of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, and the third, Mahmoud Jaliel, was from Islamic Jihad. Upon searching the gunmen's vehicle, police found a Kalashnikov, an M-16, and an RPG missile launcher, the army reported. (Ynet News)

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