Monday, April 23, 2007


Hamas Calls for Kidnapping and Murder, AP Blames Israel (LGF)

Associated Press Palestinian shill Ibrahim Barzak reports on Hamas' latest call for mass murder, after Israel struck back against the constant rocket attacks directed at Sderot from Gaza: Hamas calls for offensive against Israel.

The relentless pro-Palestinian bias of the AP is very obvious in this one. Notice that the first sentence blames the "strained cease-fire" on Israel. It's doubly deceptive because 1) it doesn't mention the rocket attacks, and 2) there is no "cease-fire;" the rockets have never stopped coming from Gaza.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas militants called Sunday for a fresh wave of attacks against Israel after troops killed nine Palestinians in weekend fighting, straining a five-month-old cease-fire.

In response to the bloodshed, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' more moderate Fatah movement urged him to consider breaking off contacts with the Israeli government, despite his pledge to the United States to hold regular meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Hamas and Fatah are partners in a coalition government.

The rockets finally make an appearance as an afterthought in the third paragraph.

Among the nine Palestinians killed in the weekend upsurge of violence were two gunmen and a 17-year-old who died Sunday in the West Bank. The fighting also included a Palestinian rocket attack on the southern Israeli town of Sderot that damaged a home.

While the international wire services disseminate Palestinian propaganda, Defense Minister Amir Peretz says " six years of overlooking Qassam attacks have come to an end."

And on Hamas TV, they're recommending that more IDF soldiers be kidnapped, because it's been so successful: PMW - Latest Bulletins.

Member of the Legislative Council Um-Nasser Farachat:
"With no connection to my being a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and my involvement in the leadership, as a Palestinian citizen, by God, I don't believe in any solution other than one: kidnapping Zionist soldiers."

The newscaster:
"The kidnapping of more Zionist soldiers [is required]... 10 Zionist soldiers – maybe less – will guarantee the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners."

Sa'id Siam, Former interior minister:
"There were suggestions to repeat the operations of kidnapping other Israeli soldiers, because we know that the occupation understands no other language. Second, the capture of the [single] soldier will not be enough cause for the release of [the] over 10,000 prisoners... There are many suggestions, but what's important is what will actually be done."

Member of the Legislative Council Um-Nasser Farachat:
"We hope that with the help of Allah, praise and extol him, the kidnappers will stick with their demands and will not lower their demands in any way... until they [the Israelis] will surrender to our conditions."

The newscaster's summation:
"A number of suggestions were brought up during the meeting of the Legislative Council, and the most prominent was the call for further kidnappings of Zionist soldiers as a solution to end the prisoners' suffering."
[Al Aqsa TV, Hamas, April 18, 2007]

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