Friday, April 13, 2007


Hamas Arming Islamic Jihad with Rockets - Ze'ev Schiff and Avi Issacharoff (Ha'aretz)
Israeli security sources on Thursday said Hamas is providing the rockets for Islamic Jihad's rocket attacks against Israel, while maintaining a front of abiding by a cease-fire. The sources said Hamas has adopted a strategy of duality, in which it continues its violent activities against Israel notwithstanding a cease-fire. A similar strategy was used by Arafat, who committed in agreements to preserve cease-fires, but retained ties with extremist organizations that would continue terrorist activities against Israel.

As long as Hamas continues to cooperate with Islamic Jihad, sources say the value and reliability of a cease-fire agreement is dubious. Also Thursday, nearly 200 gunmen from the military wing of Hamas and the Executive Force demonstrated in Jabaliya in Gaza against the unity government and declared that they will only abide by orders from former foreign and interior ministers Mahmoud al-Zahar and Said Sayam.

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