Thursday, April 12, 2007


Second Hamas video promotes terrorism among children (PMW)
Another Hamas video encouraging the participation of children in terrorism has been broadcast on Hamas TV. The video, which focuses on Ahmed Yassin, Hamas founder and religious leader killed by Israel, portrays young children as the continuation of Yassin. Children are shown in uniforms, holding rifles and participating in military training. The lyrics stress the children's connection to Yassin: “Even though they killed our [Ahmad] Yassin, the land will grow a thousand Ahmad.”

Click here to see the Hamas video

The following are the lyrics of the new video:
"These are the acts of the Martyrdom-Seekers
Ahmad [Yassin] did not die
Do not mourn.
These are the acts of Martyrdom-Seekers
Palestine – one of its leader is Ahmad Yassin
Its children carry the knife.
Palestine – among its leaders is Ayyash [Hamas bombmaker]
Its children carry machine guns.
The land is filled with furious lions
Even though they killed our Yassin
The land will grow a thousand Ahmad!”[Al-Aqsa TV, March 25, 2007]

This was the second Hamas TV video in less than a week to promote children's involvement in terror. The first was the video dramatization of the four-year old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi, singing to her dead mother and vowing to follow in her footsteps. ...
Click here to see Reem Riyashi video on You Tube video
Click here to see Reem Riyashi video on PMW web site
To see the Reem Riyashi bulletin click here

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