Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Hizbullah Deputy Sec-Gen Sheikh Naim Qassem: We Have Jurisprudent Permission to Carry Out "Martyrdom" Operations, Fire Missiles on Israeli Civilians From Ayatollah Khomeini (MEMRI)

"Martyrdom is Valuable, Sacred, Respectable, and Great - Not Something That Can Be Used as an Accusation; It is an Honor For Us to Be Accused of Believing in the Culture of Martyrdom"

"With Regard to Martyrdom Operations - A Person Cannot Kill Himself Unless He Has Jurisprudent Permission"

"Hizbullah, when it comes to matters of jurisprudence pertaining to its general direction, as well as to its jihad direction, based itself on the decisions of the Jurisprudent. It is the Jurisprudent who permits, and it is the Jurisprudent who forbids. When the resistance of Hizbullah was launched in 1982, it was based on the jurisprudent position and decision of Imam Khomeini, who deemed fighting Israel to be an obligation, and therefore we adhered to this opinion. How Israel should be fought, what equipment you should prepare, when you should or shouldn't attack - these questions are guided by principles in Islamic religious law, and you can act in this direction, according to your abilities. Therefore, we covered our jihad position with regard to fighting Israel with the decision of the Jurisprudent. "With regard to all the other details - whenever we need jurisprudent clarifications regarding what is permitted and what is forbidden on the jihad front, we ask, receive general answers, and implement then. Even with regard to martyrdom operations - a person cannot kill himself unless he has jurisprudent permission.

Click Here to View the Clip on MEMRI TV

*To View Other MEMRI TV Clips On Deputy Hizbullah Deputy Sec-Gen Sheikh Naim Qassem:

"Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheik Naim Qassem on the Difference between Jews and Zionists"

"Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheik Naim Qassem: President Bush Is Either "Hitler of the 21st Century or "Number One International Criminal." Lebanese Army and UNIFIL Forces to Protect South Lebanon from Israel"

"Families of American 9/11 Victims Meet with Deputy Head of Hizbullah"

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