Monday, April 30, 2007


History's repeating itself in Gaza as gunmen entrench themselves in residential areas of Beit Hanoun. Civilians anticipating an IDF incursion are already fleeing. The Observer (UK) writes:

Militants were flooding into the border town of Beit Hanoun, building bunkers, stretching tarpaulins across streets to block Israeli reconnaissance drones and planting roadside bombs.

Daylight yesterday found the streets empty. Many residents had fled, knowing that the town is always the first stop for any Israeli invasion....

Residents said militants have shut off sections of Beit Hanoun on recent nights as they built defences and set up anti-tank rockets and planted roadside bombs, used so effectively last summer by Hizbollah.

We saw the same thing in Qana and Jenin and Gaza before: terrorists deliberately hunker down in civilian areas and MSM headlines scream Israeli massacre. Here we go again....

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