Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Lebanon to Seek War Reparations from Israel - Sujata Rao (Reuters)
Lebanon is preparing to go to an international tribunal to seek reparations from Israel for damage caused during last year's war, the country's finance minister Jihad Azour said on Monday. He said Lebanon's Justice Ministry had commissioned international lawyers to prepare the case. Israel, supported by the U.S., says it acted in self-defense during the war.

UN Mission to Assess Arms Smuggling to Hizbullah - Edith M. Lederer
The UN Security Council expressed "serious concern'' at mounting reports of weapons being smuggled from Syria to Lebanon and authorized an independent mission to evaluate monitoring of the border between the two countries. The council adopted a presidential statement Tuesday reiterating its demand that Syria tighten its border and urging all countries to enforce the arms ban on Hizbullah. The council also reiterated its call to disband and disarm all militias and armed groups in Lebanon. (AP/Guardian-UK)

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