Monday, April 9, 2007


Palestinians "Offended" by German Chancellor's Pro-Israel Stance - Khaled Abu Toameh
PA officials have accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of "offending the Palestinians' feelings" during her visit earlier this week to Ramallah, where she met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. "She did everything to provoke the Palestinians during her visit," said one official on Monday. "She showed no understanding for the plight of our people. On the other hand, she appeared to be very biased toward Israel." The official claimed that while Merkel refused to meet with families of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel, she focused during her talks with Abbas on the need to release kidnapped IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who has been held in Gaza since last June. In addition, he noted, Merkel met with the families of missing IDF soldiers during her visit to Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Post)

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