Tuesday, April 24, 2007


New York street rededicated (JTA)
A New York street named for an anti-Semite will be rededicated.

The New York Times reported that Corbin Place in Brooklyn had been named for Austin Corbin, a 19th-century developer who was a leader of the American Society for the Suppression of Jews. Corbin also ran the Long Island Rail Road and ejected the Montaukett tribe from the Hamptons in a contested land deal.

A January column in The Daily News brought the matter to the attention of local lawmakers, who set about changing the street's name. But residents, including members of the Jewish community, did not want to change their addresses, the Times reported.

In late March, the group hit upon the solution of rededicating the street to Margaret Corbin, a Revolutionary War heroine who helped defend Fort Washington against the British in 1776. The City Council is expected to approve the rededication.

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