Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Palestinians release Shalit kidnap training video (YNet)
This is what training looked like for the operation in which Gilad Shalit was kidnapped. The internet site of Salah Al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, released a video clip Monday night showing some of the members of the unit that kidnapped Gilad Shalit training for the operation in Kerem Shalom.

The Resistance Committees is one of three organizations that took part in the kidnapping and now has the soldier in custody.

The film displays two members of the unit who were assigned to attack the IDF post and prepare the ground for a second cell which carried out the kidnapping. Members of the cell portrayed in the video are seen training for the operation on sand dunes in the Gaza Strip.

The operation is dubbed "Knock-Down Behind Enemy Lines." Throughout the video, Islamic chants and calls of 'Allah Akbar' (God is great) can be heard in the background.

The narrator of the video explains that preparations lasted six months, and included digging a tunnel. He reveals that five activists took part in the operation. "These are fighters from our best units, divided into cells. The assignment of one of the cells was to enter the outpost through the tunnel, like being parachuted behind enemy lines.

Another cell entered the post, eliminated anyone in the tanks and retreated with the kidnapped soldier while detonating an explosive device on the fence, which enabled them to withdraw with him," he added.

He also promises the Palestinian prisoners in Israel that the kidnapped soldier "will remain in our custody until the Zionists give in to our demands and you will be given your freedom."

Throughout the video two Palestinians from the group who were killed during the operation can be seen exercising at attacking strongholds and shooting practices.

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