Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Women's Rights at the UN: Israel as the Only Violator - Anne Bayefsky (National Review)
The UN's lead agency responsible for the promotion and protection of women's rights the world over, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), ended its 51st session on March 9, 2007, by criticizing only one state - Israel. Apparently, the CSW missed the arrests in Tehran of 33 Muslim women calling for an end to polygamy or the teenager in Riyadh sentenced to 90 lashes for meeting a young man who was not a family member, after being kidnapped at knifepoint and gang-raped. It also failed to notice the millions of vulnerable women and girls raped, displaced, dead or dying in Sudan, the millions of women forcibly aborted in China, and the thousands murdered or forced to commit suicide for the crime of "dishonoring" their fathers and brothers across the Arab and Muslim world.

Instead, it adopted by a vote of 40 to 2 a resolution on the injustices "the occupation of Palestine imposes on Palestinian women." Only the U.S. and Canada confronted the move for what it was: the hijacking of yet another UN body to spin world opinion against Israel and toward the PA.

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