Monday, April 9, 2007


I'm very happy that Iran released the 15 British sailors it kidnapped. I was pleased to see the world react with outrage to Iran's clear violation of international law. Even the UN managed to wake itself briefly to issue a condemnation of Iran's actions. But alas, no one can rouse themselves to express similar outrage over the kidnapping of 3 Israeli soldiers last summer by Iran's cat's paws last summer.

The families of Israel's kidnapped soldiers sent letters of solidarity to the families of the 15 kidnapped British sailors and welcomed their release by Iran. I'm still waiting for those British families to say a word about the Israeli soldiers.

It now appears that Israel is considering swapping a large number terrorist murderers with blood on their hands for ONE of the kidnapped soldiers. The Palestinians have submitted a list of 1,400 prisoners they want released.

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