Thursday, May 24, 2007


ABC Takes 'Blame Israel' Global (CAMERA)
Who's to blame for the taking of hostages in Iran, the bombing of barracks in Lebanon, the war in Iraq, the conflict in Afghanistan, and the rising mutual hostilities between Shiites and Sunnis? Why, Israel, obviously. At least that's the conventional wisdom among some journalists.

But ABC's Dan Harris is not content to limiting Israel's troublemaking just to the Middle East; he takes it worldwide, stating on ABC's "World News Sunday" May 20:

And there are new developments tonight in another conflict that is fuelling terrorism all over the world, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
Time Magazine's Lisa Beyer faulted the “corrosive myth: that the fundamental problem in the Arab world is the plight of the Palestinians," and CNN pulled and revised a viciously one-sided blame Israel segment in 2001. ABC, meanwhile, takes the "Big Lie" to ever higher heights.

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