Thursday, May 31, 2007


Finland's Leading Paper Compares Jewish Parliamentarian to Shylock The Jew....... (Tundra Tabloids)

Here We Go Again.......

Another Finnish newspaper publishes an article that degrades a Jewish parliamentarian.

The Helsingin Sanomat's [the New York Times of Finland] cultural editor, Hannu Marttila published Matti Rossi's [pictured] oily/smarmy "tongue in cheek" response to Finnish parliamentarian Ben Zyskowicz's outrage over Rossi being awarded a cash prize by the Finnish government for his life time work in translating Shakespeare's classics into Finnish.
[The state prize for literature carries with it not only the honor of the award itself, but also 15 000 Euros.]

The reason for Zyskowicz's outrage over the Finnish state's awarding of Matti Rossi with the prize, was for Rossi's role as a snitch for the Hungarian communist government back in 75'. Matti Rossi had informed on a Hungarian writer for speaking against communism during a visit to Finland, in which he compared communism to fascism. Dénes Kiss was right on the mark. Ben Zyskowicz had asked the government after the award had been given:
"would have Culture -and Sports Minister (yes, Finland has a government minister for sports) Stefan Wallin refused to award Matti Rossi with the prize had he known that Rossi had informed on the Hungarian writer, Dénes Kiss to the communist government."

It doesn't end there. The editor for the Helsingin Sanomat's culture section, Hannu Marttila, wrote a short screed in the comment section included with the article over Zyskowicz's initial outrage, in which he down played the whole affair.

"Mitä muuta Zyskowiczin älämölö oli kuin ilmianto, jonka tarkoitus oli järjestää Suomen parhaalle Shakespearen kääntäjälle valtionkirous 32 vuoden hiljaisen hiillostuksen seuraksi. Kun punaisen fasismin kaatumisesta on kohta kaksi vuosikymmentä, sille jo uskaltaa näyttää hampaitaan. Rohkea teko."

"Zyskowicz's fussing was for no other reason than to squeal, with the sole purpose to orchestrate a state curse for Finland's best Shakespearian translator who has been quietly raked over the coals for 32 years. Red fascism's demise is almost two decades old, now he dares to show his teeth. Really brave."

It doesn't end there. Not only is the culture editor unsatisfied with that small pot shot at Ben Zyskowicz, he lends his culture section to the Finnish snitch/translator to let off another salvo at the justifiably upset parliamentarian. This time I won't bother translating the full text, but in a tongue in cheek op-ed, he likens Zyskowicz to the Shakespearean character Shylock the Jew. Ben Zyskowicz happens to be Jewish himself, making the comparison undeniable.
Kirjailija William Shakespeare kuvaa dramaattisesti vastaavaa yritystä Venetsiassa 1500-luvun lopulla. / The writer William Shakespeare dramatically pictured a comparable attempt in Venice in the late 1500's. "

In the short op-ed, Matti Rossi was clearly making fun of Ben Zyskowicz, and characterizing him in a way that mirrored the story of the merchant of Venice, a Shakespearean play. It was totally irresponsible for the paper to print it, and as I said before about other examples of anti-Semitism in the Finnish media, it's becoming kind of trend here. *L* KGS

More examples of anti-Semitism in the Finnish media, here, here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...