Monday, May 14, 2007


EU, U.S. to Snub Jerusalem Day Celebrations - Barak Ravid
Ambassadors from the U.S. and the EU countries will not attend the celebrations Wednesday to mark the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, the Israeli media reported Sunday. All of the embassies in Israel are based in Tel Aviv, and not Jerusalem, due to the disputed status of the capital. The entire city fell under Israeli control during the 1967 Six-Day War, an event marked annually by Jerusalem Day. (Ha'aretz)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that things are starting to be set in motion for the USA to abandon the State of Israel when, not if, in 2009 the Democrats take the control of the Presidency of the United States. Israel needs a steady hand and a good diplomat and Olmert is not the man for the trying days ahead. All it takes is for Israel to lose is once and we will lose our beloved homeland Israel. Enough is enough Israel has the manpower and the arms to take back Arel Sharon's mistake. You cannot deal with Terrorists, when will you learn my beloved Israel.