Wednesday, May 9, 2007


AP Revised Headline: Hamas Mouse Preaches Resistance (LGF)

Give me a break. We noted the Associated Press' unusual coverage and even more unusual honest headline earlier: Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' wants Islam takeover.

That language is obviously double plus ungood. Way too honest for the AP, and whoever's pulling their strings. Because the latest edition of this story has a very different message indeed: Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' preaches resistance.

Disney's Daughter: Hamas Mouse is 'Pure Evil' (LGF)

Walt Disney's daughter is disgusted at the Palestinian death cult's use of her father's creation to teach hatred and genocide to children: Disney daughter calls Muslim Mickey evil.

The only surviving child of Walt Disney has called Hamas "pure evil" for using Mickey Mouse to teach islamic radicalism to children.

Diane Disney Miller said she was disgusted that a rip-off of her father's iconic cartoon character was being used on a new Hamas TV show to encourage Palestinian children to take up arms against Israel and America.

"Of course I feel personal about Mickey Mouse, but it could be Barney as well," Ms Miller, 73, told the New York Daily News.

"It's not just Mickey, it's indoctrinating children like this, teaching them to be evil," said Ms Miller, who owns a winery in northern California.

"The world loves children and this is just going against the grain of humanity."

The Daily News revealed this week that Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV station began running the new children's series in April.


Hamas TV drops militant Mickey Mouse (JPost)
A program using a Mickey Mouse-like character to urge Palestinian children to fight Israel and the West and work for world Islamic domination has been pulled off Hamas’s television station for “review,” Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said Wednesday. Barghouti said the use of the cartoon character in such a role represented a “mistaken approach” to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.

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