Thursday, May 10, 2007


Death Cult Mickey Still on the Air (LGF)

Imagine my surprise. When the terrorists of Fatah announced yesterday that the degenerate, evil Mickey Mouse clone had been dropped by Hamas TV, they were lying: Hamas TV refuses to axe contested kids cartoon.

RAMALLAH, West Bank — A Hamas-run television channel has defied a Palestinian government request to axe a controversial children's cartoon in which a Mickey Mouse look-alike urges resistance against Israel.

A senior official working for Al Aqsa (Jerusalem) television in the Gaza Strip said that the program - "Tomorrow's Pioneers" - would air as normal this Friday in defiance of information minister Mustafa Barghouti.

"The program will continue and it will be broadcast tomorrow at 4.00 pm [1300 GMT]. Mustafa Barghouti misunderstood the issue," said the official on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.

Earlier, the information ministry in the West Bank city of Ramallah said: "A politically-oriented children's television program was withdrawn by the Al Aqsa TV station today following a request by the ministry of information."

(Hat tip: LGF readers.)

UPDATE at 5/10/07 9:21:40 am:

The international media are absolutely disgusting and reprehensible with this story; they're doing their level best to whitewash and minimize the impact, and it's shameful beyond belief.

Palestinian children stand in front of a mural depicting Mickey Mouse as they hold Islamic and Palestinian flags in the West Bank village of Hawara, south of Nablus, in 2006. A Hamas-run television station defied Israel and the Palestinian government on Thursday by refusing to axe a controversial children's puppet show in which a Mickey Mouse lookalike calls for resistance. (AFP/File/Menahem Kahana)

The media have now completely covered up the fact that "Farfur Mouse" doesn't simply "urge resistance against Israel"—the mouse also talks about an Islamic takeover of the world. All mention of this part of the abomination is now gone from the media's reports.

Here's the video clip; see for yourself what they're hiding from you.

SEE ALSO: VIDEO - CNN's Glenn Beck explains why his producer pulled the Hamas Mickey Mouse segment based on what turned out to be incorrect claims from unnamed CNN Arabic translators that one word was incorrect. (BackSpin)

SEE ALSO: CNN's Glenn Beck Attacks CNN's Pro-Arab Bias (NeoConExpress)
This [VIDEO] is why I like Glenn Beck. He receives a check from CNN but refuses to suck up or bow to their stunning bias and down right stupidity. CNN pulled the Palestinian Mickey Mouse tape because they "discovered massive translation problems" and urged Beck not to use it on his show. WOW! So of course Beck held back to do more investigation. This is how the Islamist crowd sow doubt, by questioning the "translation" of material that puts them in a shameful light in the West, and their Western fellow travelers eagerly play along (as we see from comments on this site from time to time as well). Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out that there is no translation problem, let alone a "massive" translation problem. CNN's Arab translator disputed a single word, which hardly negates all of the rest of the tape, and according to MIMRI, the CNN Arab translator is dead wrong on the translation of the single word in question. I would tend to trust MIMRI's translation who have a long track record and grasp the Arabic language more than many Arabs do; And about a thousand times before I would trust the translation of a faceless CNN Arabist accountable to no one but CNN's own well known bias on all things related to the Middle East. Beck will eventually be fired by that cesspool, CNN, but until that happen we get to enjoy the great talent that is Glenn Beck.

1 comment:

BillT said...

Takes a sick mind to even think of making kids love death.

Takes a sicker one yet to use Mickey Mouse to do it.