Sunday, May 6, 2007


The Hamas Television is using a clone of Disney's Mickey Mouse to teach children to hate Israel and America, and aspire to Islam's inevitable and impending world domination.

The squeaky-voiced Mickey Mouse lookalike, named Farfur, is the star of a weekly children's program called Tomorrow's Pioneers on the official Hamas TV station (Al-Aqsa TV). Farfur and his co-host, a young girl named Saraa', teach children about such things as the importance of the daily prayers and drinking milk, while taking every opportunity to indoctrinate young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the US and support of "resistance"--the Palestinian euphemism for terror. . . .

The writing in this show is quite sophisticated. Farfur's performance is unquestionably funny and entertaining, as is the character's comic timing. For example, as he rhymes off a list of world figures, he chirps: "We will win, Bush! We will win, Condoleezza! We will win, Sharon!" Then, without missing a beat, he quips, "Ah, Sharon is dead" (sic), reinforcing his message that the plan for world domination is progressing.

Using a character based on an appealing, world famous and beloved icon like Mickey Mouse to teach Islamic supremacy and resistance as Islamic duty is a powerful and effective way to indoctrinate children.

The effectiveness of this program is heightened by including child viewers, who phone in to the show and recite poems with images of hate and violence; for example, "We will destroy the chair of the despots, so they will taste the flame of death"; and, "Rafah sings 'Oh, oh.' Its answer is an AK-47. We who do not know fear, we are the predators of the forest."

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