Thursday, May 17, 2007


One killed as IAF hits Gaza trailer housing Hamas guards (JPost)
A Hamas operative was killed Thursday afternoon when an IAF airstrike targeted a trailer housing security guards of a senior Hamas official. Several people were wounded in the strike, the third by the IAF Thursday.

Moments earlier, one person was killed and five were wounded when the IAF fired a missile at a vehicle traveling in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza. The IDF said that Imad Shabanah, a top commander of a Hamas rocket manufacturing cell, was traveling in the car along with an accomplice. The army reported a direct hit and confirmed that least one of the passengers was killed in the airstrike.

Earlier Thursday, the IAF struck a Hamas compound in the central Gaza Strip, killing one and wounding 45, according to Palestinian sources. The IDF confirmed the strike but not the number of wounded.

IDF Bombs Hamas Offices in Retaliation for Rocket Barrage - Amos Harel
Israel Air Force jets bombed a Hamas headquarters in Rafah, the first such air strike against a Hamas target in more than six months, killing four Palestinians and injuring 20 others - all Hamas militants. The air force also killed a Hamas rocket crewman on the outskirts of Gaza City. (Ha'aretz)

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