Thursday, May 17, 2007


Negev school hit by rocket (YNet)
A high school in the Negev was directly hit by a Qassam rocket Thursday. Two people were lightly wounded in the attack, and several others suffered from shock. The rocket landed on an unfortified classroom, which was empty at the time. Students who were at the school were ordered to remain in the fortified classrooms.

Head of the Shaar Hanegev local council Alon Shuster said that there were still a few classrooms in the school which had not been fortified. "Only the students that had to take their matriculation exams came to school today, and they were placed in fortified classrooms," he stated. Earlier Thursday, three Qassam rockets landed in Sderot. One of the rockets exploded near a building in town, slightly damaging the structure. A mother and her nine-year-old daughter suffered from shock.
Kassam rockets continued to bombard Sderot on Thursday. By 9 a.m., four rocket hits had been reported. On Wednesday night, a Kassam rocket hit a four-story apartment building in the city. Another rocket hit a transformer, knocking out electricity in parts of the city. Earlier Wednesday, the Sderot Municipality prepared to temporarily evacuate 4,000 residents, 16% of the city's 24,000 residents. (Jerusalem Post)
As Palestinian terror groups launched over thirty Kassam rockets at Israel in 24 hours, a 70-year-old Israeli woman was evacuated to Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon on Wednesday in moderate-to-serious condition with injuries to her limbs and stomach. A second resident was lightly wounded. (Ynet News)
See also Constant Terror in Sderot - Masha Rifkin
As I write this, Kassam rockets are hitting Sderot. Children are screaming, mothers are collapsing in despair, and doctors are pulling shrapnel out of the bodies of Jews. Cornell University junior Masha Rifkin of Newton, Massachusetts, is a volunteer at the Mishol social work office in Sderot. (Jerusalem Post)

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