Thursday, May 24, 2007


Sderot sues Palestinian Authority for millions in rocket damages (YNet)
Bereaved families from Israel's south who lost loved ones in Qassam rocket attacks from Gaza announce lawsuit against Palestinian Authority for damages

With the army and government powerless in the face of the incessant rocket attacks launched from Gaza towards southern Israel a group of residents have decided to take matters into their own hands.

Several dozen families from the battered city of Sderot and neighboring communities, including several families who lost loved ones in the attacks, met on Sunday to plan a class action against the Palestinian Authority for the damages inflicted on their person and property in attacks emanating from Palestinian territory.

"We don't really care about the money, it's important to us that the Palestinian Authority be punished for the rockets being fired on Sderot," said an emotional Zimero Yaakobov after the meeting, his brother Yaakov was killed last November when a Qassam rocket crashed into a local poultry factory. "The Palestinian Authority needs to know their actions come with a price, because we have no other way of acting against them and this is our way to fight back," he said.

"The goal of these proceedings is to sue the Palestinian Authority for its crimes, for terror attacks against an innocent civilian population," said Alon Davidi, chairman of the Sderot security staff that served as the driving force behind the initiative in response to the damage brought on by the attacks. ...

"Our first step will be demanding the seizure of the funds Israel collects for the Palestinian Authority in taxes, our experience in this field stretches from Israel to throughout the world and the PA will learn that it must pay for the damage caused to the residents of this city," said Darshan-Leitner.

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