Friday, May 11, 2007


I had the opportunity to see an amazing film last evening at the San Francisco International Film Festive: "The Rape of Europa." You can see a trailer here.

Here's the plot summary from the film's website:

The Rape of Europa tells the epic story of the systematic theft, deliberate destruction and miraculous survival of Europe’s art treasures during the Third Reich and the Second World War.

In a journey through seven countries, the film takes the audience into the violent whirlwind of fanaticism, greed, and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of Europe. For twelve long years, the Nazis looted and destroyed art on a scale unprecedented in history. But young art professionals as well as ordinary heroes, from truck drivers to department store clerks, fought back with an extraordinary effort to safeguard, rescue and return the millions of lost, hidden and stolen treasures.

The Rape of Europa begins and ends with the story of artist Gustav Klimt’s famed Gold Portrait, stolen from Viennese Jews in 1938 and now the most expensive painting ever sold.

Today, more than sixty years later, the legacy of this tragic history continues to play out as families of looted collectors recover major works of art, conservators repair battle damage, and nations fight over the fate of ill-gotten spoils of war.

Joan Allen narrates this breathtaking chronicle about the battle over the very survival of centuries of western culture.

Just when you think every story of WWII and the Holocaust has been explored, you learn of a new one. The archival footage is amazing. The film will be playing in San Francisco starting later this month and then hopefully will be getting wider distribution later this summer. Look for it. If it comes to your town, see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are several things wrong with this article, for one thing Carter is not "a devout Southern Baptist," he left that denomination several years ago and has hunkered down in his local Baptist church (Maranatha) where in cult-like fashion he leads classes of out-of-town followers. He's announced the formation of an alternative national Baptist group that will focus on not on pesky things like doctrine and Jesus, but on social/political positions as viewed by Carter, a paid-for anti-Israel advocate with no respect for truth, historical or biblical. No wonder white supremacists, Holocuast deniers, and Islamists have been united in their praise for Carter the fake populist.